SMSC and British Values

SMSC and British Values at Oak Lodge
SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. Ofsted describes it as ‘…the training of good human beings, purposeful and wise,themselves with a vision of what it is to be human and the kind of society that makes that possible’.

SMSC and British Values education is at the heart of the Oak Lodge provision. The curriculum is rich with evidence of how students are actively engaged in opportunities to develop their SMSC and British Values.

We achieve this by embedding these core values and beliefs into all subjects, targeting specific issues in Pastoral and assembly time and into the character education programme. International events of significance are addressed throughout the school year in assemblies and through cross curricular projects.

What is SMSC and why is it important?
The promotion of SMSC in school is important because it enables our students to develop a deeper understanding of the wider world, develop an understanding and empathy of themselves and others’ and empowers children to take responsibility for their positive role in society where they value others.

SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT refers to the acquiring of beliefs, values and behaviours that relate to the emotional aspects of being a human, such as feelings and emotions. Some examples in practice are:

PSD and Emotions curriculum, Well-Being Day, Feeling Good Curriculum, Enrichment Curriculum, Religious Education days, Deaf Awareness week, counselling and talk and draw therapy, Prize Giving and Art Exhibition.

MORAL DEVELOPMENT involves exploring, understanding and recognising shared values, as well as developing the ethical frameworks that underpin these values. Some examples in practice are: Listen, Think Share Programme, Anti-bullying week, Digital Promise Project, Oak Lodge Behaviour and Communication Charter.

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT involves learners working effectively together and participating successfully in the community as a whole. Some examples are: Enterprise Programme, House Competitions, Enrichment Programme, NDCS Late Night’s, leadership Programmes, Reidential trips, After-school programme, travel training programme.

CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT generally refers to developing an understanding of one’s own culture and of other cultures locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Some examples are: Deaf Awareness Week, BSL Recognition Day, Inter-School Competitions, Humanities, Food Tech, Design Tech, Perform and Art Curriculum, School Journeys and Visits Programme. The cultural curriculum is hooked onto a dynamic visit programme to many museums, theatre productions, and art and music events across London.

At Oak Lodge School, SMSC encourages each student to:

  • be confident, independent, life-long learners who are aware of the communities around them and the roles they can play in them.
  • respect and reflect upon the contributions they and others make in a diverse society.
  • engage with all aspects of learning across the curriculum and beyond with curiosity, imagination and creativity.
  • make informed decisions that have a positive impact on their social, economic and emotional wellbeing.
  • explore, experience and engage in their own and others’ creativity across a range of arts and cultural activities.
  • develop the social skills and understanding needed to enable self-advocacy and advocacy for others.
  • develop an awareness of how to assure their rights and fulfil their responsibilities.

British Values – Where can they be found in Oak Lodge School?
Schools have a duty to teach British Values including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of other faiths and beliefs. Teachers are required in the conduct section of their Standards, to uphold public trust in the profession by not undermining fundamental British Values. Oak Lodge expects all staff to model and teach these values. Our Equalities Policy makes clear our intention to provide the best education we can for all of our students regardless of race, faith, gender, age and sexual orientation.

At Oak Lodge our ethos is underpinned by our shared vision ‘Inspiring our community to Aspire, Believe and Achieve through excellence in education to lead happy, healthy and worthwhile lives.’ The word ‘community’ is key – we are all privileged to belong to the same community which is built on mutual respect, tolerance and understanding.

Children, parents and staff have many opportunities for their voices to be heard at Oak Lodge. Democracy is central to how we operate. Some examples of democracy in practice are:

School Leaders, Wellbeing Leaders and Sports Leaders
The election of The School Leaders, Wellbeing Leaders and Sports Leaders mirrors the British electoral system and demonstrates democracy in action. These leaders give our students a voice on matters relevant to school life. Proposals made by its members can, and do, have a real impact on the rest of the school. They develop an understanding of democratic principles and gain experience of gathering information, sharing views, running a committee and making decisions. The students are elected to the council through the vote of their peers and are supported in their meetings by a member of staff.

Oak Lodge Community Voice is actively sought
Pupils, staff, parents and Governors views are frequently sought when evaluating school programmes. Their views help to re-examine and build on the existing opportunities offered by the school. See School Data Report.

Phoenix House
House leadership opportunities

The Rule of Law
The importance of rules and laws, whether they are those that govern our country or school are frequently referred to and reinforced in assemblies, at pastoral time and when necessary, to reflect on behaviour choices. Some examples of the rule of law in practice are:

Across all subjects we model and teach the necessity for rules
Pastoral session allows pupils to be taught or reflect on the value and reasons behind the behaviour expectations which we follow at Oak Lodge. These expectations are clearly understood by all and seen to be necessary to ensure that every class member is able to learn and contribute in a safe environment.

Clear system of rewards and consequences
The school’s Positive Behaviour Charter is followed by all staff and pupils with Celebration assemblies focusing on the achievements of pupils that week. Pupils with the highest number of achievements will not only receive whole school praise but each will take home a certificate to their family to help them to share their success. A restorative approach to incidents is followed. Supporting relationships to be repaired and restored as well as where necessary sanctions put in place.

Community Police Officer
We have close links with our Community Police Officer who regularly visits the school to speak with pupils.

PSD, Citizenship and Whole School Assemblies
Through these, pupils develop an understanding of British Law and that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in Britain are subject to these laws. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind the laws that govern and protect us and the consequences when laws are broken.

Phoenix House
Has a rewards and sanctions system which is agreed by students. This includes half termly reward for students who demonstrate a particular set of behaviours.

Individual Liberty
Pupils are taught that with rights come responsibilities. We educate our students to make informed choices based on the evaluation of facts. Some examples of individual liberty in practice are:

Internet and Social Media
All pupils and staff have been taught through the Computer Science Curriculum, whole school assemblies and regular staff training the risks attached to using the internet and how they can keep themselves and others safe. All staff sign a contract to adhere to the Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) and pupils follow the Digital Promise Contract.

Tailored curriculum and provision that aims to meet their needs and aspirations
Through the Curriculum Pathways, Enrichment Programme (or cultural capital) and lunchtime clubs pupils are offered a wide range of activities supporting pupils to identify and develop their passions, abilities, enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Pupil choice encourages our students to make their own decisions, where they have the appropriate level of maturity
Pupils are provided with termly ‘Enrichment’ Presentation assemblies where they are shown the range of enrichment activities they can follow that term. For both Feeling Good and After School Clubs pupils will decide which activity they will follow for the term. Through the provision of a safe, supportive environment we provide boundaries for our pupils to make these choices safely. Pupils learn that if they do not like their choice they will to try to accept it, as it was their choice and that through this right to choose, comes responsibility. At the end of term they will reflect on their choice and their experience helping them to identify their strengths and interests.

School, Well being and Sports Leadership programmes
Oak Lodge student leaders are invaluable members of the school community. All Year 10 and 11 pupils are encouraged to demonstrate their skills for this role. They are then invited to apply and be interviewed in a similar way to applying for jobs in the world of work. Leaders enjoy taking the lead, being good role models, supporting others and taking on posts of responsibility. They work closely with staff helping to create a happy and harmonious school environment. A leadership training programme helps them to develop their skills in this area. Pupils are also given the opportunity to lead parts of Whole School Sports Competition.

Phoenix House
Students are able to make their own decisions about how Phoenix House is run including decoration, equipment, furniture and recruitment of staff.

Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Oak Lodge School is a microcosm of the global society that we all belong too. We are proud to promote and celebrate our different backgrounds and beliefs. Some examples in practice are:

Learning Outside the Classroom and Cultural Programme
All pupils will have the opportunity to be actively involved in their learning through real-life experiences beyond the classroom walls. As well as local opportunities, they will also have exposure to national, cultural, religious, sporting, professional tutoring and community engagement experiences. The cultural curriculum is hooked onto a dynamic visit programme to many museums, theatre productions, and art and music events across London.

Local, National and Global Links
Throughout the academic year all our students have the opportunity to meet with pupils from different schools either locally and or nationally. We also have links with Deaf Schools around the world.

RE focus days
Throughout the academic year pupils will participate in whole day RE experiences. Pupils will actively examine the major faiths by either visiting different religious places of worship or having representatives of a faith visit the school. The pupils in years 7-11 will examine the main world religions over a two year programme: Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism.

School Dining Room
Students have the opportunity to participate in termly cultural days where different cultures are looked at and outside speakers are invited to share their experiences. 

Radicalisation and Extremism
Oak Lodge School supports the Government’s PREVENT strategy. Prevent is designed to support people at risk of joining extremist groups and carrying out terrorist activities.