Safeguarding at Oak Lodge

At Oak Lodge School, we take Child Protection and Safeguarding very seriously.

Schools have a duty to report to Social Services when they have concerns about a child’s well-being outside school. Often, these concerns are resolved quickly without further action being necessary. However, we believe that it is always better to err on the side of caution.

Oak Lodge School will always work closely with parents where concerns are raised, and parents will in most cases be informed when a referral has been made to Social Services.   Operation Encompass If your child attends a school in Wandsworth and police have responded to a domestic incident, his or her Headteacher or school safeguarding lead will be told by 9am the next morning of what has happened.
This is to make sure that a support network is put in place and your child’s teachers are aware of his/her welfare.

Mrs Caroline Rowlandson

Mrs Caroline Rowlandson

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

School : 0208 673 3453 Mobile : 07547413756
Mr Stephen Cave

Mr Stephen Cave

Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Karen Duggan-Stevens

Mrs Karen Duggan-Stevens

Senior Safeguarding Deputy, SENCO/Assistant Head/Designated teacher

Ms Ramona Mason

Ms Ramona Mason

Safeguarding Deputy and Medical Lead

Mr Saul Allison

Mr Saul Allison

Safeguarding Deputy and Senior Residential Worker
Ms Kitty Kent

Ms Kitty Kent

Whilstleblowing Governor

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy DSL  

The DSL is the cornerstone of day to day safeguarding in the school and should be the first port of call for any safeguarding issues.

The role of the DSL should be held by an appropriate senior member of staff, who is a member of the school’s leadership team. This is Karen Duggan Stevens

Designated The DSL takes lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection practice in the school and this should be explicit in their job description.

The DSL must have appropriate status and authority within the school to carry out the duties of the post. They should be given the time, funding, training, resources and support to:

  • Provide advice and support to other staff
  • To take part in CP meetings, strategy discussions and other multi-agency meetings (and / or support other staff to do so)
  • To contribute to the assessment of children

Oak Lodge School also ensure that we have at least one, appropriately trained, deputy DSL.
The DSL (or a deputy) should be available at all times during the school day for staff to discuss any safeguarding concerns.

The activities of the DSL can be delegated to a trained deputy DSL, but the ultimate lead responsibility for CP, as set out in the guidance, remains with the nominated lead and this responsibility cannot be delegated.    Key Responsibilities Include: 

  • Responsibility for following up concerns and making appropriate referrals (these may be to early intervention / targeted support services, health, social care, CAMHS, Channel programme, police, DBS etc)
  • Information gathering, effective monitoring systems and recording
  • Liaising with other agencies as required
  • Liaising with parents / carers when there are concerns
  • Liaising with the Headteacher / Principal to inform him or her of key issues
  • Liaising with case manager in the event of an Allegation Against a Professional
  • Liaising with all staff on safeguarding matters and acting as a source of support, advice and expertise for staff
  • Encouraging a safeguarding ethos across the whole school community and a culture of listening to children and taking account of their wishes and feelings
  • Keeping the best interests of the child, or children, in mind at all times when responding to safeguarding matters


Our DSL (and any deputies) undergo training at an appropriate level which provides them with the knowledge and skills to carry out the role. They must also attend Prevent training.
Their knowledge and skills must be updated at least annually to allow them to understand
and keep up with any developments relevant to their role. This information and training is shared regularly with the whole staff team. 

Policy and procedures

The DSL ensures there is a safeguarding policy which is reviewed and updated annually (as a minimum); that the policy and procedures are known to, and understood by, all staff in the school; that the policy is available to parents and they understand the school’s safeguarding responsibilities and that referrals may be made.


The DSL should ensure there is an effective recording system for safeguarding matters, which is kept securely and confidentially with access restricted to those members of staff who have a lead role. We use "My Concern" at Oak Lodge School. 

When a child leaves the school, the DSL ensures that his or her safeguarding records are securely transferred to the DSL in the receiving school or college in a timely fashion. Confirmation of receipt is recorded.